A social and environmental law; a law for our credibility as a country.

movilidad sostenible

The approval of the Sustainable Mobility Law seems to be a near reality after years of debates and demands. A necessary law in which all social actors will be involved: companies, citizens and public administrations. A law that will favor the economic transition to a sustainable model and for which we start with an advantage: […]

Taking care of your electric vehicle is taking care of your business

vehículo eléctrico

It’s no big mystery that companies need vehicles, but what is a big secret is how to care for and clean your electric vehicle. I know what you’re thinking…can an electric vehicle be cleaned? Yes. Absolutely yes, and we are going to tell you about it in this post. The other day we were talking […]

Advantages of electric motorcycles for food delivery

ventajas de la movilidad sostenible

By the end of 2021, as a result of the pandemic, the meal delivery sector earned revenues in excess of €36 billion in Europe. In fact, according to Statistais that revenues are expected to increase by a further 20% by 2023. On the other hand, a report by Kantar OOHfound that in Europe (UK, France, […]

5 challenges for last mile logistics in Europe

In the world of logistics, the term “last mile” represents the last part of the order delivery process. That is to say, when the product is delivered to the end customer. These are the actions that take place from the time the package leaves the distribution point until it reaches the consumer’s hands. Today, the […]

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